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Welcome to our web site!
On this home page, our clan name is the beasts. If you're on this site this propapbly meens you're a member of our clan. The creators of this clan were FILL and ^ReLoAd^ who thought it up one night and went through with it. We are currently in the building process but due to experience I am sure this will be one of the more successful clans in Deuchland. The leader is a allways will be ^ReLoAd^, also the co-leader is and always will be FILL. These are constants and will not be changed throughout your membership. This clan will also carry over into SOCOM 2 when it is released in August. If you are a member of this clan you have already agreed to purchase this game. We are signed up for socom battles on many a site and we weill continue to move up this ladder. Our clan is based strickly in Deutchland, there you will find such experianced clans as :D and D:< alswell as my previous clan, TEAM BIO. these clans are not supperior to us, we are to them because we are beasts!

Running a business is never easy, but building an effective web site can often make a huge difference in increasing sales, responsiveness, and customer satisfaction.

We'll use this site to provide the background for our business and explain the goods or services we have to offer. People don't want to spend time figuring out what a business does, so our home page will highlight the most important features of both our business and our web site. We'll think of the home page as a kind of portal, giving customers the information they want at a glance, and offering lots of links to draw them in to the rest of the site.

For example, we might feature a different item on the home page each month, along with a link to our products page where you can find more information on the product.

Here we may display a picture of this month's special:

Blank CDs: 20% off
Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!

You can e-mail us at:

Our Company * Any Street * Anytown * US * 01234